Aims & Objectives

  • To contribute to the growth and welfare of its members in particular and public in general;
  • To promote and spread education among its members and public;
  • To run a library of books and publications giving information on the various courses offered by different Universities and Institutions of higher learning;
  • To create facilities for lodging and boarding for the benefits of outstation students of Kalinga Vysyas and general public, who need assistance for fulfilling their ambition for pursuing higher education and appearing in competitive examinations;
  • To maintain a register containing the bio data of boys and girls (who are eligible for marriage) belonging to Kalinga Vysyas families who need such information for arranging marriages;
  • To establish, maintain and run cultural and educational institutions including tutorial and coaching Institutions for the benefit of the members and general public;
  • To help poor boys and girls in giving Vocational training and assisting them to have a gainful employment;
  • To raise funds and collect donations necessary to serve the above objectives for developing economic, social and educational standards;
  • To start a consultancy organisation for suitable placement of educated unemployed or under employed boys and girls of Kalinga Vysyas and general public;
  • To carry on all other lawful activities as are incidental to and as may be deemed necessary and conducive to the interests of Kalinga Vysya Samaj (Delhi);